Sunday, November 2, 2014

I have got mastitis, could you explain exactly - Women's health Question


  My doctor has told me I 've got mastitis. Could you explain exactly what this is?


  Mastitis, or information of the breasts, is a very common condition in women who have, functioning ovaries. It usually occurs just before a period and is the response of the small breast glands to the hormones being produced by your ovaries, It is not usually due to any infection.

Tags : Women's health Guide, Healthy Breast, Nipples, Inverted Nipples, Lady health Question, pregnant lady tips    

Saturday, November 1, 2014

I have been offered amniocentesis test, but am not sure - Women's health question


   I am 35 and expecting my first baby. I have been offered amniocentesis test, but am not sure whether to have it done?


   Amniocentesis is a screening test and form it many inherited abnormalities can be detected. you must decide would you want a termination if an abnormality was detected? Also, are you prepared to take the slight, but real, risk of losing the baby that the investigation itself carries? Unless you answer 'yes' to both these questions then amniocentesis would not be advisable. 

Tags : Women's health Guide, Healthy child bearing, Pregnant lady Question, Pregnancy test, Amniocentesis test

Thursday, October 30, 2014

After having treatment for thrush - Women health Question


 After having treatment for thrush, What can I do to help myself?


  You need to replace the healthy intestinal flora that has been lost during treatment with antibiotics. Try to avoid the following sugar, refined floods, blue cheeses, wines vinegar, bread, yeast, tea, and coffee. Increase your intake of fresh fruit and vegetables, and live natural yoghurt, and try taking a supple4ment of yeasts - free B complex and a course of acidophilus tablets.

Tags : Women's health Guide, Healthy Menstruation and sex,  Infections and Diseases, Sugar health Question, Refined foods.Antibiotics patient 

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

My doctor says I should wait three months before trying to get pregnant - Women health Question


    I am anxious to start a family and have stopped taking the pill. My doctor says I should wait three months before trying to get pregnant. Why should it?


  It is a safety precaution to ensure that all the synthetic hormones contained in the pill are out of your system and that your varies have returned to a normal regular rhythm. There is also some evidence  that vitamin and mineral levels in the blood are altered by taking oral contraceptives and it is important to allow these levels to return to normal before you became pregnant.

Tags : Women's health Guide, Healthy Child Bearing, Trying get Pregnant, Became pregnant lady, Pregnant lady Question 

Monday, October 27, 2014

After I had some bleeding after sex ,if it happened again and he some cream to use - Women's health Question


  I am in my early fifties and had a womb scrape last year after I had some bleeding after sex. I was told to go back my GP. If it happened again and he gave me some cream to use. It hasn't  recurred, but I am worried I may have a cancer that is not being treated?


  If no serious abnormality was found when you has the womb scrape then you don't have cancer now. what probably happened is that ht elining of the vagina was lacking in the hormone oestrogen. This naturally happens after the menopause and in some women gives rise to a vagina which is easily brushed  by sexual intercourse. If the bleeding does recur then go back and see your doctor again. If not then forget it.

Tags : Women's health Guide, Healthy Menstruation and sex, Sexual intercourse, PMS, Some bleeding after sex, Cancer treatment

Friday, October 24, 2014

help my doctor give me for mastitis - Women health Question


   What help can my doctor give me for mastitis?


   Talk to your doctor about the problem and there are several ways she may able to help. Some women have their pain relieved by taking an oral contraceptive, but if this is not suitable for you then an Anti - hormone preparation like.

  Bromocryptine may be valuable, but only if your mastitis is so trouble some that it interferes with your daily routine.

Tags : Women's health Guide, Healthy Breast, Nipples, Inverted Nipple, Mastitis 

Thursday, October 23, 2014

The surgeon wants to remove one of my breasts of my figure and dread any disfigurement - 23-10-2014


   I have cancer and the surgeon wants to remove one of my breasts. I am very proud of my figure and dread any disfigurement. Is there anything that can be done?


    A large number of cancer surgeons will perform implant surgery on suitable patients and this can return your breast to almost its former appearance. you may even be offered this at the same time as the actual mastectomy operation. However you should bear in mind that with any implant there is always the risk of the body rejecting it.

Tags : Women's health Guide, Healthy Breast, Breast cancer, Cancer Surgery, remove my breast question

Monday, October 20, 2014

I would like to get my figure back into shape once I have fully recovered operation - women health Question


     I had a hysterectomy about a month ago, and I would like to get my figure back into shape once I have fully recovered from the operation?


  The very best time to start to exercise is before the operation, but failing that it is a very good idea to start exercising as soon as you feel able to. There are many types of hysterectomy so there is no hard and fast rule about the amount of exercise you can properly undertake. Be guided initially by your surgeon and the physiotherapist or read one of the many excellent books written on this subject.

Tags : Women's health Guide, Healthy Menstruation and sex, Surgical procedure, Hysterectomy

My baby If i contract German Measles while pregnant - Women health Question


   What happens to my baby if i contract German Measles while pregnant?


   If you have not been vaccinated and you contract German Measles in the first three months of your pregnancy then your child has a one in ten chance of being born deaf or having cataracts. This is entirely preventable if you the vaccination before conceiving.

Tags : Women's health Guide, Healthy Child bearing, Pregnant lady, Child leave patient, While pregnant

Saturday, October 18, 2014

A friend has said that baby oil is a good lubricant - Women health Question


   When I make love I find that I am rather dry and this is uncomfortable. A friend has said that baby oil is a good lubricant and I was wondering whether to try it?


     Baby oils and some petroleum jelly preparations can be  bit messy on the bedclothes. Also, if you use a sheath or diaphragm for contraception, these substances can weaken the latex rubber. Use KY jelly instead, It has a water - soluble base and does not seem to have the same damaging effect on the cap or sheath.

Tags : Women's health guide, Healthy menstruation and sex, PMS, use KY jelly instead

Friday, October 17, 2014

I have go mastitis could you explain exactly - Women health Question with Answer

  My doctor has told me I 've got mastitis. could you explain exactly what this is?


Mastitis, or inflammation of the breasts, is a very common condition in women who have, functioning ovaries usually occurs just before a period and is the response of the small breast glands to the hormones being produced by your ovaries. It is not usually due to any infection.

Tags :Women's health Guide, Healthy Breast, Women's Dout, Nipples, Small breast Question

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Can my doctor offer me of PMS - Women's health Question


   What treatment can my doctor offer me of PMS?


      There is no universal 'cure'  because there are no universal sympttoms. for some it is an actual physical condition, for others it is more an emotional state. Some women find that taking the pill removes all problems because it stops ovulation. For others, taking the hormone progesterone in the second half of the Menstraual cycle may be the most effective treatment.

Tags : Women's health Guide, Healthy mernstruatiuon and sex, Pre - Menstrual Syndrome, Treatment

Monday, October 13, 2014

After my operation for cancer breast reconstruction could be carried out- Women health Question


    The Surgeon has suggested that after my operation for cancer breast reconstruction could be carried out. What would that involve?


    Breast reconstruction is carried out by using tissue from another part of your body to recreate a breast shape. Often, part of one of the big muscles from your back is used and tucked under the skin on the front of the chest wall to restore the shape of the breast. One advantages of this type of reconstruction is that it carries no risk of being rejected, as can happen with an implant.

Tags : Women's health Guide, Healthy Breast, breast cancer, Cancer Surgery, Breast reconstruction

Friday, October 10, 2014

I had Inverted nipples for many years tried But most things without success - Women health


   I have had inverted nipples for many years and have tried most things without success. What else can be done to help?


     It is possible to operate on inverted nipples that have not responded to any treatment. The tissue that tethers them in will be cut. But remember, unless you specifically want to breast feed, it really doesn't matter whether your nipple are inverted or not.

Tags : Women's health Guide, Healthy Breast, Inverted nipples, breast feeds, No breast feed

In sexually active woman but she is having sexual intercourse - women health question


      My 15 years old daughter has cervical erosion. I thought this only occurred in sexually active women, so does it mean she is having sexual intercourse?


    An erosion, more properly called a cervical ectopy, is the normal state just after puberty. At this time, the cervix changes shape and the delicate lining of the cervical canal 'pouts' onto the vaginal surface of the cervix. Erosion has nothing to do with sexual activity and can certainly occur in virgins.

Tags : Women's health guide, Healthy menstuation and sex, Infection and diseases, sexual intercourse

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

I can do for myself to help with Mastitis - Women health Question


   Is there anything I can do for myself to help with mastitis?


   As a first line measure, try wearing a comfortable but firm bra day and night during the times when you have this problem. This helps to prevent swelling of the breast. Eliminate caffeine from your diet during your premenstrual week, which means no coffee, tea or cola. Take vitamin B^6 in a dose of up to 100 mg. a day for the second half of your cycle; although it is more commonly used to ease premenstrual tension it also helps many women with painful breasts.

Tags : Women's health guide, Healthy breast, Painful Breast, nipples

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

I am Heath is good, apart from the occasional headache - Women health Question


   At 42, am I too old to start using the pill? My health is good, apart from the occasional headache?


  There Isn't a straight forward yes or no answer, it depends on your 'risk factors'. If you smoke, are overweight, have had any circulatory problems have a high blood fat content, suffer from high blood pressure, get bad migraines, have diabetes, or even a family history of heart attacks, or have any combination of these factors, you would certainly not be an ideal candidate for the pill. In addition, most doctors do not encourage women. Over the age of 40 to use this form of contraception, even if they have no health risks. However, you might find that the progesterone only pill is suitable for you.

Tags : Women's health Guide, Healthy birth control, Contraction, Pregnant lady

Monday, October 6, 2014

I am Confused has talked about a 'partial' mastectomy- Women health Question


  It is possible that I may have to have  a mastectomy and I am confused because my Surgeon has talked about a 'Partial' mastectomy. What would be left?


  What your Surgeon probably meant was a quadrantectomy. It means that she is going to remove the quarter of the breast that has the cancer in it, and leave the rest. This is usually possible when the cancer is on the outer, or arm side, of the breast. She will probably take a few glands from the armpit at the same time. However, three quarters of your breast and the nipple can be left behind, because the preparative X - ray (Mammogram) that you had showed that all this tissue was healthy.

Tags : Women's health Guide, Healthy breast, cancer surgery, nipples

Sunday, October 5, 2014

I do to help myself with my PMS Symptoms


   What can I do to help myself with my PMS Symptoms?


      Taking additional vitamin B^6 and evening primrose Oil has helped many women with PMS and it is also worth looking at what you eat. Sugar, Chocolate, Caffeine and alcohol have proved to be triggers for PMS in some cases and it may be worth eliminating them from your diet and seeing whether it makes any difference to your symptoms.

Tags : Women's health Guide, Healthy Menstruation and sex, Pre - Menstrual Syndrome, Menstration

Friday, October 3, 2014

Recently Screened for breast cancer and asked to go back - Women health Question


  I was recently screened for breast cancer and have been asked to go back. Does this mean they have found cancer?


  Mammography X- rays show up tiny alterations in the breast which are impossible to detect on physical examination. The majority of these problems turn out not to be cancer but without further tests this is impossible to decide. Many women screened will need to be recalled for extra X - rays and more tests. Almost every one of these will turn out not to have breast cancer. However a very few, Between Four and eight women in every 1000, Will have their cancers detected early by this means. Although it is no guarantee of complete cure, The earlier you can find a breast cancer thenthe better are your long - term prospects.

Tags : Healthy breast, Breast cancer, Screening, Women's health guide

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Every month I suffer from very Bad PMS and also very Thirsty - Women health Question


Every month I suffer from very Bad PMS. I seem to shake a lot and I also get very thirsty. I talked to my doctor and he suggested that I cut down on the amount of tea I have. I drink up to 20 cups a day, but how will cutting down on that help my PMS?


Anyone who is as thirsty as you are certainly does need to talk to their doctor about it because it can be a symptom of a type of diabetes. In your case, the amount of caffeine you are talking in could well be precipitating your PMS and certainly with be making it worse. Caffeine is a potent stimulant, present in tea as well as in coffee, and five or six cups of either is probably the maximum amount anyone should have in a day. Caffeine is also present in cola drinks.

Tags : Women's health guide, Healthy Menstrustion and sex, Pre - Menstrual Syndrome

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

I have very large breasts. If have them reduced will I still be able to breast feed - Women health Question


I have very large breasts which have been a constant source of embarrassment all my life. If I have them reduced will I still be able to breastfeed?


       Reducing breast size is a complicated procedure and should not be undertaken without a great deal of  thought and counselling. If you want to be able to breastfeed in the future then you must make that very clear to the surgeon so that extra care can be taken not to remove too much secretory tissue or cut through the major mammary ducts. Why not postpone the operation until you have completed your family, then both you and your surgeon will have an easier time.

Tags : Women's health guide, Healthy breast, Breast size and shape, Very large breast, Reduced breastfeed 

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

I have been too embarrassed to go it involve - Women health Question and answer


  My company offers regular mammography screening but i have been too embarrassed to go. What exactly does it involve?


  It is a very straight forward procedure. An X - ray is taken of your breast and the female radiographer will explain to you exactly what you to do, so there is no need to be embarrassed. You simply stand while your breast is evened out and smoothed by flattering it between two perspex plates. The x - ray is then taken. Because breasts vary in their sensitivity some women find this procedure a little uncomfortable, but for the vast majority there is no discomfort at all. 

Tags : Healthy breast, Breast cancer, cancer surgery, Screening

Monday, September 22, 2014

Exactly to Synthetic implant - Women health Question & Answer


What exactly does a synthetic implant consist of?


It is a bag of liquid silicone which has very much the same consistency as breast tissue at body temperature. Once in place it is covered by your own skin and a new nipple can also be constructed, using a skin graft from other parts of the body.

Tags : Healthy Breast, Breast cancer, Cancer surgery,nipples

Friday, September 19, 2014

For the Last couple dryness of the vagina it have any side effects


I have been using a hormone cream for the last couple of years for dryness vagina. Does continued use of it have any serious side effects such as cervical cancer?


 As far as is known at present, there is no cancer risk from using a vaginal hormone cream. However, you should continue to have cervical smears every three to five years - or more frequently if your doctor advises it - until you are aged 65 and have had a series of clear smear.

Tags : Healthy Mernstrustion and sex, Pre - Menstrual Syndrome, cancer women' s health

Thursday, September 18, 2014

I have had inverted nipples and have tried things with out success - women health question & answer


I have had inverted nipples for many years and have tried most things without success. What else can be done to help?


It is possible to operate on inverted nipples that have not responded to any treatment. The issue that tethers them in will be cut. But remember, unless you specifically want to breast feed, It really doesn't matter whether your nipples are inverted or not. 

Tags : Healthy breast, Inverted nipples, Women's dout

Monday, September 15, 2014

I have smear test - women health Question and Answer

How often should I have a smear test?

Every sexually active woman needs regular tests at least every three to five years, staring at the age of 25, if not before. Tests can be arranged by contacting your doctor, health visitor or family planning clinic.

Tags : Healthy Menstrustion and sex, Tests, Smear test

Friday, September 12, 2014

I am about be married again that I will find sex difficult and painful

   I have not had a sexual partner since my husband died 15 years ago. I am about to be married again, but am worried that I will find sex difficult and painful?

  For the older woman, and those who have not had intercourse for some years, the vagina may be lacking and this could cause some problems during intercourse. Additional lubrication can be given with the use of KY jelly, and you can buy this over the counter at a pharmacy. Using an oestrogen vaginal cream, under your doctor's instructions, can help the tissues relax and become more supple.

Tags :Healthy Menstrustion and sex, Pre- Menstrual syndrome

Thursday, September 11, 2014

I began my new job my PMS has got worse - Women Quetsion & Answer

 Since began my new job my PMS has got worse. I now do a lot of travelling and don't always have time for proper meals. Could this have made any difference?

 Yes it could. Stress certainly doesn't help and irregular meals may be making it worse. PMS is often aggravated by low blood sugar levels, So it is important to eat regularly - preferably with no more than three hours between meals. If this is really impossible for you then you may get relief by carrying snacks that are high in protein or complex carbohydrate, So that your blood sugar level remains stable. This will help with those symptoms such as headaches, nervousness, irritability and flood carvings. But do make sure you don't overeat - otherwise this will give you problems for the other three weeks of your cycle!

Tags : Healthy Menstrustion and sex, Pre - Menstrual Syndrome

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Exploratory on my breast - women health question and answer

 I have agreed to go into hospital for some exploratory surgery on my breast. I am anxious that the surgeon could remove my breast without my consent. How can I make sure this doesn't happen?

  Once you are in hospital for your operation you will be asked to sign a consent form. It allows the surgeon to carry out an agreed operation, and agreed is the important world. The consent form must contain a written description of the operation that is planned, but sometimes this can be left rather open. In the case of breast abnormalities the operation may be described as 'breast biopsy and proceed as necessary '. The 'and proceed' to the surgeon may mean mastectomy and you must ask him or her to make clear exactly what she intends to do. If necessary you can adjust the words on the form and stipulate 'breast biopsy only' so both you and the surgeon are clear that she cannot proceed any further than that in this particular operation.

Tags : Healthy breast, cancer Surgery

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

I have never been pregnant but my nipples weeping a sort of milk - women health question

 I have never been pregnant, but recently my nipples seem to be constantly weeping a sort of milk -like substance. Is this normal? I am 30 years old and on the pill?

  This is condition called galactorrhoea, or inappropriate lacation. Although you are on the pill you should make quite sure that this method of contraception has not failed you because galactorrhoea is usually caused by pregnancy.

Tags : Women health , Healthy breasts, Nipples

Monday, September 8, 2014

I have Endometriosis symptons - women health question

 I think I have Endometriosis because I have similar Symptons to my sister who had it ten years ago. She was told to just go away and have a baby, but surely there is their treatment available now?

  Having a baby was the advice that was given, because a full nine months without any periods did often cause the endometriosis to burn itself out. Even f you have the same Symptons as your sister you cannot assume that you have endometriosis without going to the doctor for proper investigation. If you do have this condition, then there is now a nine month course of hormone treatment available, as well as drugs which suppress the pituitary gland. These can be used in the more difficult cases. Not every woman wants, or can have, a baby just to treat endometiosis.

Tags : Healthy menstrustion and sex, Irregular bleeding

Sunday, September 7, 2014

I have worry about breast cancer women health question & answer

  I am 23 and have a worry about breast cancer. I have been to the hospital several times and they have told me that the small lumps in my breasts are only lumps of fat, but I should still  check them regularly. I am not sure when to do this and how will I know when one is cancerous?

 Any lamp that comes and goes with the menstrual cycle is not related in any way to breast cancer. Your doctor or family planning clinic will show you how to carry out self- examination and this is usually best done in the week following menstruation.

Tags : Screning, Breast cancer health question

Friday, September 5, 2014

When I carry out a breast self - examination women health question & answer

  What do I look for when I carry out a breast self - examination?

  There are several things you should check for, but basically you are looking for any change to the normal condition of your breasts. This can be in the size or shape of the breasts itself, including any veins that are more prominent than usual or any skin that is a different texture. Or it may be a change in the nipple, possibly a discharge or bleeding. Remember it is a change from what is normal for you.

Tags : Breast self - examination

I suffer badly PMS women health Question & Answer

  Why do I suffer badly from PMS while my younger sister doesn't?

   Through PMS can strike any woman of menstruating age, It is usually more common to suffer from it first in the mid - thirties. No one knows the exact cause of PMS and so it is impossible to say why one person suffer sand another doesn't. It is believed that it is something to do with an imperfect balance of hormones or vitamins in the body, But a complete solution is still a long way off.

Tags : Pre - Menstrual Syndrome

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

I have inverted nipples Women health question &answer

 I have inverted nipples. How can i get them to turn out normally?

There are two things you can try. The first is the Hoffman technique which you could carry out two or three times a day. You first stretch the nipple by placing a finger on either side of your aerola and exerting gentle pressure on it. Then move four fingers so they are above below the nipple and below the nipple and repeat as before. Breast shields are another method, and a full description is given in the previous is given in the previous question.

Tags : Healthy breast, breast test

Sunday, August 31, 2014

I have very small breasts women health question and answer

  I have very small breasts. will i ever be able to breastfeed a baby?

 The size and shape of the breast is not a critical factor. The bodily changes that occur during pregnancy allow most women to able to breastfeed. In fact, Women with small breasts are often much more successful at feeding than women with very large breasts.

Tags : Breast size and shape

Friday, August 29, 2014

Endometriosis doubt women health question and answer

  Endometriosis is something I have suffered from for the last two years, but my doctor doesn't seem to able to help. What exactly is it?

  Endometriosis occurs when some cells of the womb lining settle in other parts of the abdomen. Then each month, responding to the normal hormonal changes, these cells break down and there is a small amount of bleeding from the associated blood vessels - just like in menstruation. However in this case there is nowhere for the blood to go, so it collects just like a bruise. As the blood liquefies it may give rise to a strictly, Painful cyst which gets stuck on to other things, Like the gut. Blood is also intensely irritating to the peritoneum, So many sufferers experience a mini peritonitis each month.

Tags : Irregular bleeding

Thursday, August 28, 2014

My Period stopped but I am not pregnant woman health question and answer

  I am a very keen runner and  am not training most days. Although I am very fit and healthy my periods have stopped completely, and I am sure I am not pregnant. What has caused it?

 If you are certain you are not pregnant - and it is still the most common reason for a missed period - then the most likely explanation is that you are taking too much exercise. Although it is an excellent thing to be fit, excessive exercise can give rise to problems. It causes a substantial drop in hormone levels and this is enough to cause your periods to stop. Also, as well as disturbing the menstrual cycle, excessive exercise can lead to thinning of the bones - osteoporosis.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Ultrasound Painful women health question and answer

 Is Ultrasound Painful?
 No, not at all. There is no pain or discomfort involved. What happens is that you lie down comfortably and a technician will put some lubricating substance over the area that is to be looked at. This ensures that the sound waves connect properly with your skin and are not dispersed through an air gap. A sound 'pad' is gently smoothed back and forth across your skin. It sends sound waves into your body and picks up the echoes.  
Tags:Ultrasound test,Ultrasound scan

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Fibroids and ultrasound -women health question and answer

My doctor things,I might have fibroids and wants to send me for an ultrasound. What is this exactly.
  It is a way of looking within your body by using sound waves. These waves are processed through a computer and appear on a video screen. Photographs can be taken of this picture to create a permanent record. It is a commonly used diagnostic tool and many people are fascinated to see the 'map' of their body which appears on the screen.   
Tags:Ultrasound test

Monday, August 25, 2014

Abnormal smear test-cancer stage women health question and answer

  I have just had an abnormal smear test.The doctor has said that it isn't cancer but they still want to treat me and do follow-up tests.Is this really necessary?
  Just because it is not cancer at this stage does not mean that it can be ignored. It is a warning and it is vital to have any treatment suggested. It left untreated it could develop into cancer after several years and this is too big a risk take. Treatment and follow-up tests are entirely in your own best interests.

Abnormal smear test - women health question and answer

 I had a smear test recently and have just been recalled for another one. Why have they done this?
  Abnormal smears are more common among women in the 25 to 34 age group,and of every 100 that show up abnormal the likelihood is that less than 15 of these women would eventually develop a real cervical cancer-even if they had no treatment.The trouble is it is not possible to identify exactly which 15 woman out of the 100 are at real risk treatment must be offered to all woman with an abnormal smear occasionally,the smear test can be altered by a mild vaginal infection and women are then recalled for early repeat smears. This is merely a precaution and nothing at all to get worried about.   

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Home pregnancy test kit

I have recently bought a home pregnancy testing kit i can know as soon as possible if i am pregnant.why do they suggest testing twice?
                The new tests are so accurate that they can be used immediately a period is missed.However,although the test is accurate the certainty of a pregnancy continuing is not. Many pregnancies,perhaps as high as 10 percent ,fail to implant properly. Although your test can be positive immediately your period is missed, a retest two weeks later may give a negative result.This is why most tests advise that your wait until you are at least five to six weeks away from your last period. Even with this precaution it is important to remember that home tests have a failure rate of one in every 100.   

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Losing of baby - woman's abortion doubt question and answer

Losing of baby - woman's abortion doubt question and answer
Question : I am confused about the way losing a baby is sometimes called miscarriage and sometimes abortion. what do both mean?
               Medically ,any pregnancy that ends before that 28th week of gestation is an abortion.Doctors increasingly use the lay term miscarriage to describe an unplanned event, but this is also called a spontaneous abortion.Where an abortion has been deliberately induced it is called a medically induced abortion and the operation is called termination of pregnancy.   

Friday, August 15, 2014

Heavy discharge during pregnancy

I have been getting a heavy discharge for the last two weeks . It is quite clear and I am worried in case it is my waters leaking . I am in the last month of my pregnancy
Answer : A lot of clear mucus is normal in pregnancy . If it is waste than it can be leakage form either your balance or the womb. Smell the discharge , if it is urine then this is again quite common in pregnancy , but if it is water you should tell your doctor so they can test if it is leaking from womb .
Tags : Pregnancy Tips , Tips for Pregnancy women , Woman's health Guide

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

My first smear test

I have just had my first-ever smear test at the age of doctor has written to ask me to visit the surgery as the test is abnormal.i am worried sick about this,what does it mean? 
Answer :
         It means that you will probably need some further investigations, but it doesn't mean that you have cancer.the chances are that you have a pre-cancerous condition of the neck of the womb and this can be treated quite simply in the gynaecological out-patient department

Friday, August 8, 2014

Healthy Breast Examination

Where can I get information on carrying out breast examination ?

Answer : You can usually get an instruction leaf let from your local clinic or doctor , or a women's health care organization . The latter may also have a video that you can watch to make the procedure clearer .

Thursday, July 31, 2014

How long can I carry on working before the baby is born ?

Question : How long can I carry on working before the baby is born ?

Answer : It can vary according to what kind of job you have . The 28th week of pregnancy is when many women stop, but provided you feel well then is no reason why you can't work until a week or so before the baby is born .

Tags : Tips for Pregnant Women at Work , Working lady Pregnant, Maternity Leave, Pregnant leave

Monday, July 21, 2014

Fallopian tube method baby

We have been trying to have a baby for several years. My Doctor has now suggested we try GIFT. What exactly is this ?

Answer : The initials stand for Gamete Intra Fallopian Transfer. An egg recovered from inside your body is mixed with sperm and then transferred immediately to the inside of your Fallopian tube at the end nearest to the womb. The baby created by this method is part of you and your husband if his sperm is used. This technique of fertilization as especially useful for those women who have a blockage near the ovaries while the rest of the Fallopian tube is normal.

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